Last updated: 2023-11-22

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Amphibolis_Posidonia_Comparison/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.1). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

The R Markdown file has unstaged changes. To know which version of the R Markdown file created these results, you’ll want to first commit it to the Git repo. If you’re still working on the analysis, you can ignore this warning. When you’re finished, you can run wflow_publish to commit the R Markdown file and build the HTML.

Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.

The command set.seed(20210414) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.

Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version c347565. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    renv/library/
    Ignored:    renv/staging/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/GO_and_ortho.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/GOenrichment.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/index.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/metagenome.Rmd
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Algae.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_and_Terrestrials.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Duckweeds.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Seagrasses.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Terrestrials.txt
    Modified:   data/Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_union_of_Seagrass_and_Aquatics_union.txt
    Modified:   data/arabidopsis_gene_level_comparison.xlsx
    Modified:   data/arabidopsis_gene_level_comparison_only_losts.xlsx
    Modified:   data/arabidopsis_gene_level_counts.xlsx
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Duckweeds_NOT_Algae_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Seagrasses_NOT_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Seagrasses_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_Terrestrials_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_intersect.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_union.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_seagrassesBackground_intersect.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_seagrassesBackground_union.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_lost_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_lost_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_lost_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_lost_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_only_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_only_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_only_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_genes_union_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv.png
    Modified:   output/GO_results_terrestrials_vs_union_aquatics_seagrasses.png
    Modified:   output/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.PlantSpecific.xlsx
    Modified:   output/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.xlsx
    Modified:   output/Seagrasses_shared_lost_genes.xlsx
    Modified:   output/all_GO_plots.Rdata
    Modified:   output/group_venn_image.Rdata
    Modified:   output/seagrass_venn_image.Rdata

Staged changes:
    Modified:   output/patchwork_seagrass_gene_loss.png
    Modified:   output/patchwork_terrestrials_gene_loss.png
    New:        output/patchwork_terrestrials_seagrasses_gene_loss.png

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/GOenrichment.Rmd) and HTML (docs/GOenrichment.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html 0e47209 Philipp Bayer 2022-04-26 Build site.
html 663dcbc Philipp Bayer 2022-03-10 Build site.
Rmd d4cd865 Philipp Bayer 2022-03-10 make the setup blocks nicer
html aca07fd Philipp Bayer 2022-03-10 Build site.
Rmd be91c66 Philipp Bayer 2022-03-10 GO-term updates! more groups! for the price of one!
Rmd 2edd81b Philipp Bayer 2022-03-09 add more ifles
Rmd cec9544 Philipp Bayer 2022-03-01 Add general descriptions
html 5b15384 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-28 Build site.
Rmd 581bebd Philipp Bayer 2022-02-28 accidentally did not display REVIGO code
html 6eeb3ed Philipp Bayer 2022-02-25 Add missing files
html 9ca6c94 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-25 Build site.
Rmd 61c8f69 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-25 Replace GO enrichment
html 9b59467 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-23 Rewrite Orthofinder analysis
Rmd ab9a1f6 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-21 add some more changes
html 65d3fa4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 21f4c6f Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables again, finally :) haha
html d8ec8d3 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 2fb63eb Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables again, finally :)
html cf2e045 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 280fc5d Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables again
html 5356e2c Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 9f4be6f Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables
html 7816b8c Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 73bffa4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 add tables
html c1288a4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 2691cad Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 add tables
html 292db59 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-18 Build site.
Rmd 35aa72f Philipp Bayer 2021-10-18 wflow_publish(c("analysis/GOenrichment.Rmd", "analysis/plotGenes.Rmd",
Rmd 7e370e9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Updated GOenrichment
Rmd 95586f9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Add missing data
html 95586f9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Add missing data
html c0db4a5 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Build site.
Rmd 08b28ea Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 wflow_publish(files = c("analysis/*"))

knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())

Lost in seagrasses

The GO enrichment does not work well on my laptop so I’m setting this to eval=FALSE and run it on a remote server.

This document takes the output of Orthofinder

# give properly formatted background in format: GO:0005838  GSBRNA2T00088508001;GSBRNA2T00088313001;GSBRNA2T00035842001 
#annAT <- readMappings('BACKGROUND.txt.gz', sep="\t", IDsep=";")
#save(annAT, file='annAtObject.RData')

allgenes <- unique(unlist(annAT))

compare <- function(genelistfile, outname, allgenes, annAT) {
  # give file with your genes of interest, one gene_id per line
  mygenes <-scan(genelistfile ,what="")
  geneList <- factor(as.integer(allgenes %in% mygenes))
  names(geneList) <- allgenes
  GOdata <-new ("topGOdata", ontology = 'BP', allGenes = geneList, nodeSize = 5, annot=annFUN.GO2genes, GO2genes=annAT)
  # using ClassicCount:
  #test.stat <-new ("classicCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "Fisher Test")
  #resultsFisherC <-getSigGroups (GOdata, test.stat)
  # using weight01:
  weight01.fisher <- runTest(GOdata, statistic = "fisher")
  # using ClassicCount:
  # allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classicFisher= resultsFisherC, topNodes = 30)
  # using weight01:
  allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classicFisher=weight01.fisher,topNodes=30)#,topNodes=100)
  names(allRes)[length(allRes)] <- "p.value"
  p_values <- score(weight01.fisher)
  adjusted_p <- p.adjust(p_values)
  adjusted_p[adjusted_p < 0.05] %>% enframe() %>% write_csv('data/' + outname)


Comparing the four big groups

# all genes shared - this runs out of memory
#compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_and_Terrestrials.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_and_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes in aquatics and seagrasses - IMPORTANT This is NOT the union - this is the intersection!
# Union is below
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes only in algae
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Algae.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes only in seagrasses
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Seagrasses_NOT_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes only in duckweeds
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Duckweeds.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Duckweeds_NOT_Algae_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes only in terrestrials
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Terrestrials.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_Terrestrials_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes union of Seagrass and Aquatics
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_union_of_Seagrass_and_Aquatics_union.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_union_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv', allgenes, annAT)

# Genes only in seagrasses- seagrass-specific
compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_in_all_seagrasses_intersect.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_intersect.csv', allgenes, annAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_in_all_seagrasses_union.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_union.csv', allgenes, annAT)

Seagrass only comparisons

Now we compare seagrasses within each other.

For the seagrass-only comparisons, I’m using a Seagrass-only background as that makes more biological sense to me.s

# give properly formatted background in format: GO:0005838  GSBRNA2T00088508001;GSBRNA2T00088313001;GSBRNA2T00035842001 
#sannAT <- readMappings('SEAGRASSBACKGROUND.txt', sep="\t", IDsep=";")  
#save(sannAT, file='sannAtObject.RData')

sallgenes <- unique(unlist(sannAT))

lost in seagrasses

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_lost_in_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_lost_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_lost_in_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_lost_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_lost_in_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_lost_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_lost_in_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_lost_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

Present in seagrasses

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_in_all_seagrasses_intersect.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_seagrassesBackground_intersect.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_in_all_seagrasses_union.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_seagrassesBackground_union.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_only_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_only_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_only_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

compare('Lost_present_gene_lists/Genes_only_in_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.txt', 'output/GO_results_genes_only_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv', sallgenes, sannAT)

Alright now we have all these different GO terms in all these files - we can send them to revigo for visualiation and some deduplication!


This code is based on

results_list <- list()

for (f in list.files('./output/', pattern='*.csv')){
  if(str_detect(f, '.png')) {
  filename <- paste('./output/', f, sep='')
  go_and_pvalues <- readChar(filename,$size)
  go_and_pvalues <- gsub(',', ' ', go_and_pvalues)
  temp <- read_delim(go_and_pvalues,show_col_types = FALSE)
  if(nrow(temp) < 2) {next}
  simMatrix <- calculateSimMatrix(temp$name,
  tmp <- temp$value
  names(tmp) <- temp$name
  reducedTerms <- reduceSimMatrix(simMatrix,
  results_list[[f]] <- list('simMatrix'=simMatrix, 'reducedTerms'=reducedTerms)
  #  url = "",
  #  body = list(
  #    cutoff = "0.7",
  #    valueType = "pvalue",
  #   # speciesTaxon = "4577", # zea mays
  #   #speciesTaxon = '39947', # japonica
  #    speciesTaxon = '3702', # arabidopsis
  #    measure = "SIMREL",
  #    goList = go_and_pvalues
  #  ),
  #  # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  #  encode = "form"
  #) -> res
#   dat <- httr::content(res, encoding = "UTF-8")
#   if(typeof(dat)!="list")
#   {
#     jobid <- jsonlite::fromJSON(dat,bigint_as_char=TRUE)$jobid
#   } else {
#     jobid <- dat$jobid
#   }  
#   # Check job status
#   running <- "1"
#   while (running != "0" ) {
#       httr::GET(
#         url = "",
#         query = list( jobid = jobid, type="jstatus" )
#       ) -> res2
#       dat2 <- httr::content(res2, encoding = "UTF-8")
#       # fix when httr::content automatically converts json to list
#       if(typeof(dat2)!="list")
#       {
#         running <- jsonlite::fromJSON(dat2)$running
#       } else {
#         running <- dat2$running
#       }
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#   }
#   # Fetch results
#   httr::GET(
#     url = "",
#     query = list(
#       jobid = jobid, 
#       namespace = "1",
#       type = "table"
#     )
#   ) -> res3
#   dat3 <- httr::content(res3, encoding = "UTF-8")
#   dat3 <- stri_replace_all_fixed(dat3, "\r", "")
#   # Now we have a csv table in a string!
#   # read_csv does not like the ', ', it wants ','
#   dat <- read_tsv(gsub(', ', ',', dat3), show_col_types = FALSE) 
#   # do we even have results?
#   if(nrow(dat) == 0){next}
#   results_list[[f]] <- dat
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...
preparing gene to GO mapping data...
preparing IC data...

OK we have a list with all results in a big list. Now we can plot!

# lots of warnings and messages here so I'm hiding these
plot_list <- list()
for (f in names(results_list)) {
  tmp <- results_list[[f]]
  simMatrix <- tmp[['simMatrix']]
  reducedTerms <- tmp[['reducedTerms']]
  if(nrow(reducedTerms) <= 2) {next}
  plot_list[[f]] <- scatterPlot(simMatrix, reducedTerms, labelSize=3)
  # old REVIGO code
  # dat <- results_list[[f]]
  # if(nrow(dat) == 0) {next}
  # names(dat) <- c("term_ID","description","frequency", 'plot_X', 'plot_Y', 'log_size', 'value', 'uniqueness')#, 'dispensability', 'eliminated', 'representative')
  # <- dat
  # #if ([1,] == '<html>') {next} # some datasets result in error
  # <- [($plot_X != "null" &$plot_Y != "null") & (!$frequency)) & ($value != 'null'), ];
  # <- suppressMessages(type_convert( # guess data types, but also: shush
  # top_ten_values <- %>% arrange(value) %>% head(8) %>% pull(term_ID) 
  # <- %>% mutate(description2 = case_when(
  #   term_ID %in% top_ten_values ~ str_wrap(description, width=10), 
  #   TRUE ~ ''))
  # p1 <-
  #   ggplot(data =, aes(plot_X, plot_Y, label = description2)) +
  #   geom_point(aes(colour = value, size = log_size), alpha = I(0.6)) +
  #   scale_size_area() +
  #   scale_colour_gradientn(colours = rev(wes_palette("Zissou1", 100, type = "continuous")))+ #, 
  #                          #limits = c(min($value), 0)) +
  #   geom_point(
  #     aes(plot_X, plot_Y, size = log_size),
  #     shape = 21,
  #     fill = "transparent",
  #     colour = I (alpha ("black", 0.6))
  #   ) +
  #   scale_size_area() +
  #   geom_label_repel(max.overlaps=15,
  #                    point.padding = 0,
  #                    min.segment.length = 0, # draw all line segments
  #                    aes(point.size=log_size), alpha=0.9) + 
  #   theme_minimal() +
  #   labs(color = 'log(p-value)',
  #        size = 'Frequency') +
  #   theme(
  #     axis.text.x = element_blank(),
  #     axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
  #     axis.text.y = element_blank(),
  #     axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
  #     axis.title.x = element_blank(),
  #     axis.title.y = element_blank()
  #   ) +
  #   NULL
  #   #ggtitle(f)
  # plot_list[[f]] <- p1

Making Supplementary Tables for the REVIGO results

Let’s also pull these terms out as tables. Value is the unadjusted p-value (-3.7 = 10 * -3.7)

for( i in names(results_list)) {
  #print(results_list[[i]] %>% dplyr::select(TermID, Name, Value) %>% arrange(Value) %>% kbl() %>%  kable_styling())
  print(results_list[[i]]$reducedTerms %>% dplyr::select(go, parent, score) %>% arrange(score) %>% kbl() %>%  kable_styling())
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0001666 GO:0001666 GO:0009416 0.0000000
GO:0006869 GO:0006869 GO:0006606 0.0000000
GO:0009753 GO:0009753 GO:0001101 0.0000000
GO:0009416 GO:0009416 GO:0009416 0.0000000
GO:0009723 GO:0009723 GO:0001101 0.0000000
GO:0006396 GO:0006396 GO:0006396 0.0000000
GO:0050821 GO:0050821 GO:0050821 0.0000000
GO:0042254 GO:0042254 GO:0090143 0.0000000
GO:0006606 GO:0006606 GO:0006606 0.0000000
GO:0009093 GO:0009093 GO:0042759 0.0000001
GO:0090143 GO:0090143 GO:0090143 0.0000003
GO:0042814 GO:0042814 GO:0042814 0.0000012
GO:0035556 GO:0035556 GO:0035556 0.0000257
GO:0006636 GO:0006636 GO:0042759 0.0037737
GO:0048441 GO:0048441 GO:0048441 0.0130933
GO:0042759 GO:0042759 GO:0042759 0.0151474
GO:0001101 GO:0001101 GO:0001101 0.0207153
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_intersect.csv”
go parent score
GO:0042908 GO:0042908 GO:0060919 0.0000237
GO:0060416 GO:0060416 GO:0071359 0.0001510
GO:0060919 GO:0060919 GO:0060919 0.0002064
GO:0008283 GO:0008283 GO:0008283 0.0010484
GO:0031338 GO:0031338 GO:0007033 0.0014469
GO:0040008 GO:0040008 GO:0040008 0.0061495
GO:0009827 GO:0009827 GO:0007033 0.0082377
GO:0010256 GO:0010256 GO:0007033 0.0087504
GO:0071359 GO:0071359 GO:0071359 0.0095624
GO:0040029 GO:0040029 GO:0007033 0.0112609
GO:0048481 GO:0048481 GO:0060321 0.0115297
GO:0007164 GO:0007164 GO:0007164 0.0127805
GO:0034644 GO:0034644 GO:0071480 0.0154031
GO:0060321 GO:0060321 GO:0060321 0.0208377
GO:0007033 GO:0007033 GO:0007033 0.0217608
GO:0071480 GO:0071480 GO:0071480 0.0291314
GO:0000724 GO:0000724 GO:0000724 0.0420358
GO:0046854 GO:0046854 GO:0046854 0.0485418
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_backgroundAll_union.csv”
go parent score
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0006278 0.0000000
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0000000
GO:0090501 GO:0090501 GO:0090501 0.0000000
GO:0006508 GO:0006508 GO:0006508 0.0000000
GO:0030837 GO:0030837 GO:0007033 0.0005896
GO:0009660 GO:0009660 GO:0007033 0.0007983
GO:0010098 GO:0010098 GO:0010098 0.0009919
GO:0010726 GO:0010726 GO:0010726 0.0014418
GO:0040029 GO:0040029 GO:0007033 0.0037805
GO:0010090 GO:0010090 GO:0010090 0.0045088
GO:0042908 GO:0042908 GO:0006887 0.0066418
GO:0006887 GO:0006887 GO:0006887 0.0092008
GO:0071359 GO:0071359 GO:0060416 0.0100883
GO:1904580 GO:1904580 GO:1904580 0.0108382
GO:0051214 GO:0051214 GO:0051214 0.0133473
GO:0060416 GO:0060416 GO:0060416 0.0166522
GO:0007033 GO:0007033 GO:0007033 0.0347384
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_all_seagrasses_vs_seagrassesBackground_intersect.csv”
go parent score
GO:0010628 GO:0010628 GO:0006355 0.0000030
GO:0009651 GO:0009651 GO:0010048 0.0000187
GO:0009809 GO:0009809 GO:0009407 0.0002305
GO:0008283 GO:0008283 GO:0008283 0.0002999
GO:0009734 GO:0009734 GO:2000031 0.0009308
GO:0009407 GO:0009407 GO:0009407 0.0015592
GO:2000031 GO:2000031 GO:2000031 0.0036044
GO:0009637 GO:0009637 GO:0010048 0.0047664
GO:0007131 GO:0007131 GO:0031338 0.0051332
GO:0031338 GO:0031338 GO:0031338 0.0107653
GO:0048527 GO:0048527 GO:0048366 0.0177476
GO:0006355 GO:0006355 GO:0006355 0.0261990
GO:0048366 GO:0048366 GO:0048366 0.0284372
GO:0010048 GO:0010048 GO:0010048 0.0386478
GO:0071577 GO:0071577 GO:0071577 0.0449773
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0006518 GO:0006518 GO:0006508 1.70e-06
GO:0006508 GO:0006508 GO:0006508 4.94e-05
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0010025 GO:0010025 GO:0010116 0.0000000
GO:0019432 GO:0019432 GO:0010116 0.0000000
GO:0048438 GO:0048438 GO:0010262 0.0000000
GO:0009753 GO:0009753 GO:0009739 0.0000000
GO:0017148 GO:0017148 GO:0032353 0.0000000
GO:0006869 GO:0006869 GO:0006606 0.0000000
GO:0009723 GO:0009723 GO:0009739 0.0000000
GO:0090696 GO:0090696 GO:0010262 0.0000000
GO:0001666 GO:0001666 GO:0009650 0.0000000
GO:0001101 GO:0001101 GO:0009739 0.0000000
GO:0034605 GO:0034605 GO:0010220 0.0000000
GO:0010373 GO:0010373 GO:0010116 0.0000000
GO:0010208 GO:0010208 GO:0055046 0.0000004
GO:0009266 GO:0009266 GO:0010220 0.0000006
GO:0010030 GO:0010030 GO:0010262 0.0000007
GO:0006606 GO:0006606 GO:0006606 0.0000014
GO:0019365 GO:0019365 GO:0006212 0.0000021
GO:0010116 GO:0010116 GO:0010116 0.0000022
GO:0042254 GO:0042254 GO:0090143 0.0000023
GO:0010220 GO:0010220 GO:0010220 0.0000027
GO:0006355 GO:0006355 GO:0006396 0.0000617
GO:0043928 GO:0043928 GO:0032353 0.0001025
GO:0045892 GO:0045892 GO:0032353 0.0001566
GO:0009910 GO:0009910 GO:0010262 0.0002320
GO:0048441 GO:0048441 GO:0010262 0.0003097
GO:0006396 GO:0006396 GO:0006396 0.0004797
GO:0090143 GO:0090143 GO:0090143 0.0008616
GO:0009416 GO:0009416 GO:0009650 0.0013812
GO:0010262 GO:0010262 GO:0010262 0.0015746
GO:0032353 GO:0032353 GO:0032353 0.0016551
GO:0050821 GO:0050821 GO:0050821 0.0022113
GO:0009650 GO:0009650 GO:0009650 0.0023387
GO:0006212 GO:0006212 GO:0006212 0.0040407
GO:0009093 GO:0009093 GO:0009093 0.0053479
GO:0048830 GO:0048830 GO:0048830 0.0055408
GO:0009739 GO:0009739 GO:0009739 0.0101733
GO:0042814 GO:0042814 GO:0042814 0.0176076
GO:0010077 GO:0010077 GO:0010077 0.0239387
GO:0055046 GO:0055046 GO:0055046 0.0391079
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Duckweeds_NOT_Algae_NOT_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0019432 GO:0019432 GO:0010025 0.0000000
GO:0010025 GO:0010025 GO:0010025 0.0000000
GO:0048438 GO:0048438 GO:0009910 0.0000000
GO:0010373 GO:0010373 GO:1903086 0.0000000
GO:0010116 GO:0010116 GO:1903086 0.0000000
GO:0019365 GO:0019365 GO:0006212 0.0000000
GO:0010220 GO:0010220 GO:0034605 0.0000005
GO:0009739 GO:0009739 GO:0009733 0.0000008
GO:0017148 GO:0017148 GO:0045892 0.0000022
GO:0032353 GO:0032353 GO:0045892 0.0000043
GO:0006212 GO:0006212 GO:0006212 0.0000185
GO:0010262 GO:0010262 GO:0009910 0.0000388
GO:0010030 GO:0010030 GO:0009910 0.0001954
GO:0006355 GO:0006355 GO:0045892 0.0002239
GO:0009266 GO:0009266 GO:0034605 0.0007618
GO:0010077 GO:0010077 GO:0010077 0.0009860
GO:0070987 GO:0070987 GO:0070987 0.0021360
GO:0055046 GO:0055046 GO:0055046 0.0024384
GO:0045892 GO:0045892 GO:0045892 0.0024773
GO:0009910 GO:0009910 GO:0009910 0.0032743
GO:0034605 GO:0034605 GO:0034605 0.0044186
GO:0009650 GO:0009650 GO:0009650 0.0104088
GO:0009733 GO:0009733 GO:0009733 0.0127039
GO:0006517 GO:0006517 GO:0006517 0.0189218
GO:1903086 GO:1903086 GO:1903086 0.0474650
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Seagrasses_NOT_Algae_NOT_Duckweeds_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0043007 0.0000000
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0000000
GO:0090501 GO:0090501 GO:0080156 0.0000000
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0016926 0.0000000
GO:0043007 GO:0043007 GO:0043007 0.0000005
GO:0050982 GO:0050982 GO:0051707 0.0000067
GO:0016131 GO:0016131 GO:0051555 0.0000215
GO:1902466 GO:1902466 GO:0016926 0.0000370
GO:0001932 GO:0001932 GO:0016926 0.0001692
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0080156 0.0003151
GO:0032989 GO:0032989 GO:0010090 0.0003262
GO:0006468 GO:0006468 GO:0016926 0.0004943
GO:0048578 GO:0048578 GO:0051127 0.0006838
GO:0097193 GO:0097193 GO:0097193 0.0013837
GO:0016575 GO:0016575 GO:0016926 0.0014019
GO:0006508 GO:0006508 GO:0016926 0.0017426
GO:0090701 GO:0090701 GO:0010222 0.0023529
GO:0010022 GO:0010022 GO:0010022 0.0026596
GO:0045332 GO:0045332 GO:0048194 0.0046936
GO:0006971 GO:0006971 GO:0006971 0.0065785
GO:0051707 GO:0051707 GO:0051707 0.0095128
GO:0010090 GO:0010090 GO:0010090 0.0105857
GO:0051555 GO:0051555 GO:0051555 0.0134015
GO:0071902 GO:0071902 GO:0016926 0.0158569
GO:0051127 GO:0051127 GO:0051127 0.0166435
GO:0010992 GO:0010992 GO:0010992 0.0239908
GO:0048194 GO:0048194 GO:0048194 0.0254775
GO:0016926 GO:0016926 GO:0016926 0.0404382
GO:0010222 GO:0010222 GO:0010222 0.0495913
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Seagrasses_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0016926 0.0000000
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0043007 0.0000000
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0000000
GO:0090501 GO:0090501 GO:0090501 0.0000002
GO:0043007 GO:0043007 GO:0043007 0.0000004
GO:0050982 GO:0050982 GO:0051707 0.0000037
GO:0016131 GO:0016131 GO:0051555 0.0000123
GO:1902466 GO:1902466 GO:0016926 0.0000263
GO:0001932 GO:0001932 GO:0016926 0.0001162
GO:0032989 GO:0032989 GO:0010090 0.0001886
GO:0048578 GO:0048578 GO:0048576 0.0004117
GO:0006468 GO:0006468 GO:0080156 0.0005939
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0080156 0.0006007
GO:0097193 GO:0097193 GO:0097193 0.0009926
GO:0090701 GO:0090701 GO:0010222 0.0019346
GO:0010022 GO:0010022 GO:0010492 0.0021107
GO:0006971 GO:0006971 GO:0006971 0.0042451
GO:0010090 GO:0010090 GO:0010090 0.0046108
GO:0051707 GO:0051707 GO:0051707 0.0051995
GO:0051555 GO:0051555 GO:0051555 0.0078915
GO:0071902 GO:0071902 GO:0016926 0.0122155
GO:0051127 GO:0051127 GO:0048576 0.0124342
GO:0010992 GO:0010992 GO:0010992 0.0191272
GO:0016926 GO:0016926 GO:0016926 0.0286398
GO:0010222 GO:0010222 GO:0010222 0.0325424
GO:0010492 GO:0010492 GO:0010492 0.0368197
GO:0048576 GO:0048576 GO:0048576 0.0432383
GO:0043086 GO:0043086 GO:0043086 0.0444903
[1] “GO_results_genes_in_Terrestrials_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0051762 GO:0051762 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0006952 GO:0006952 GO:0009627 0.0000000
GO:0010082 GO:0010082 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:2000280 GO:2000280 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:0007165 GO:0007165 GO:0031930 0.0000000
GO:0046345 GO:0046345 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0016102 GO:0016102 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0000966 GO:0000966 GO:0000966 0.0000000
GO:0031146 GO:0031146 GO:0043487 0.0000000
GO:0048509 GO:0048509 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:0045338 GO:0045338 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:2000026 GO:2000026 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:0051554 GO:0051554 GO:0031542 0.0000000
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0090615 0.0000000
GO:0009819 GO:0009819 GO:0001101 0.0000000
GO:0090615 GO:0090615 GO:0090615 0.0000000
GO:0046246 GO:0046246 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0080003 GO:0080003 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0009617 GO:0009617 GO:0071219 0.0000000
GO:1901038 GO:1901038 GO:0031542 0.0000000
GO:0009625 GO:0009625 GO:1902290 0.0000000
GO:0009962 GO:0009962 GO:0031542 0.0000000
GO:1902025 GO:1902025 GO:0006898 0.0000000
GO:0006468 GO:0006468 GO:1900865 0.0000000
GO:0006885 GO:0006885 GO:1902265 0.0000000
GO:0043693 GO:0043693 GO:0009687 0.0000000
GO:0016567 GO:0016567 GO:1900865 0.0000000
GO:0010618 GO:0010618 GO:0010618 0.0000000
GO:0045168 GO:0045168 GO:0031930 0.0000000
GO:2000083 GO:2000083 GO:0052324 0.0000000
GO:0052544 GO:0052544 GO:0009828 0.0000000
GO:0000304 GO:0000304 GO:0060359 0.0000000
GO:0071368 GO:0071368 GO:0009736 0.0000000
GO:0010942 GO:0010942 GO:0043067 0.0000000
GO:0045926 GO:0045926 GO:0051513 0.0000000
GO:0009626 GO:0009626 GO:0009627 0.0000000
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GO:0010221 GO:0010221 GO:0031347 0.0000000
GO:0080027 GO:0080027 GO:1902290 0.0000000
GO:0009684 GO:0009684 GO:0016132 0.0000000
GO:0080184 GO:0080184 GO:0009742 0.0000000
GO:0009871 GO:0009871 GO:0009611 0.0000000
GO:0009852 GO:0009852 GO:0016132 0.0000000
GO:0009682 GO:0009682 GO:0009627 0.0000000
GO:1904526 GO:1904526 GO:0043086 0.0000000
GO:0098542 GO:0098542 GO:0009627 0.0000000
GO:2000023 GO:2000023 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:0007166 GO:0007166 GO:0031930 0.0000000
GO:0009664 GO:0009664 GO:0009828 0.0000000
GO:0009410 GO:0009410 GO:0009410 0.0000000
GO:0006569 GO:0006569 GO:0046482 0.0000000
GO:1905255 GO:1905255 GO:0043086 0.0000000
GO:0009611 GO:0009611 GO:0009611 0.0000000
GO:0006812 GO:0006812 GO:0006898 0.0000000
GO:0035864 GO:0035864 GO:0060359 0.0000000
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GO:0009914 GO:0009914 GO:0016132 0.0000000
GO:0010930 GO:0010930 GO:0009736 0.0000000
GO:0002213 GO:0002213 GO:0009627 0.0000000
GO:0071395 GO:0071395 GO:0009736 0.0000000
GO:0044550 GO:0044550 GO:0009808 0.0000000
GO:0070301 GO:0070301 GO:0060359 0.0000000
GO:0016045 GO:0016045 GO:0071219 0.0000000
GO:0009867 GO:0009867 GO:0009736 0.0000000
GO:0010030 GO:0010030 GO:0046622 0.0000000
GO:0016106 GO:0016106 GO:0009687 0.0000000
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GO:0097237 GO:0097237 GO:0098869 0.0000000
GO:0009865 GO:0009865 GO:0007275 0.0000006
GO:0090559 GO:0090559 GO:0016132 0.0000009
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GO:0070972 GO:0070972 GO:0032527 0.0000011
GO:0009866 GO:0009866 GO:0009627 0.0000015
GO:0007584 GO:0007584 GO:0010438 0.0000019
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GO:0010233 GO:0010233 GO:0006898 0.0000022
GO:0010310 GO:0010310 GO:0010310 0.0000025
GO:0010359 GO:0010359 GO:0043086 0.0000029
GO:0009734 GO:0009734 GO:0009736 0.0000039
GO:0006355 GO:0006355 GO:0006260 0.0000040
GO:0007267 GO:0007267 GO:0031930 0.0000108
GO:0009311 GO:0009311 GO:0052324 0.0000150
GO:0071218 GO:0071218 GO:0098869 0.0000192
GO:0009826 GO:0009826 GO:0051513 0.0000303
GO:0010114 GO:0010114 GO:0010114 0.0000385
GO:0061157 GO:0061157 GO:0043487 0.0000458
GO:0090305 GO:0090305 GO:0090305 0.0000723
GO:0009737 GO:0009737 GO:0009736 0.0000833
GO:0010438 GO:0010438 GO:0010438 0.0000889
GO:0031542 GO:0031542 GO:0031542 0.0001598
GO:0006335 GO:0006335 GO:0009828 0.0001875
GO:0006649 GO:0006649 GO:0032527 0.0001875
GO:0009745 GO:0009745 GO:0098869 0.0001973
GO:0010305 GO:0010305 GO:0010305 0.0002028
GO:0002239 GO:0002239 GO:1902290 0.0002041
GO:0045087 GO:0045087 GO:0009627 0.0002104
GO:0032504 GO:0032504 GO:0007275 0.0002146
GO:0035600 GO:0035600 GO:1900865 0.0002679
GO:0009687 GO:0009687 GO:0009687 0.0002734
GO:0009733 GO:0009733 GO:0009736 0.0003606
GO:0019761 GO:0019761 GO:0009808 0.0004363
GO:0009862 GO:0009862 GO:0009627 0.0005272
GO:1905614 GO:1905614 GO:0051513 0.0005278
GO:0032527 GO:0032527 GO:0032527 0.0006610
GO:0051513 GO:0051513 GO:0051513 0.0007840
GO:1902290 GO:1902290 GO:1902290 0.0009133
GO:0019722 GO:0019722 GO:0031930 0.0009943
GO:0002230 GO:0002230 GO:0031347 0.0011272
GO:0009751 GO:0009751 GO:0009742 0.0011550
GO:0071732 GO:0071732 GO:0060359 0.0012579
GO:1900426 GO:1900426 GO:0031347 0.0013417
GO:0006898 GO:0006898 GO:0006898 0.0013830
GO:0060359 GO:0060359 GO:0060359 0.0014134
GO:0010120 GO:0010120 GO:0009808 0.0014585
GO:0098869 GO:0098869 GO:0098869 0.0019046
GO:0071229 GO:0071229 GO:0001101 0.0021237
GO:0009960 GO:0009960 GO:0007275 0.0023902
GO:0042177 GO:0042177 GO:0043487 0.0025552
GO:0009742 GO:0009742 GO:0009742 0.0025740
GO:1903553 GO:1903553 GO:0033045 0.0026373
GO:0050832 GO:0050832 GO:0009627 0.0029800
GO:0043086 GO:0043086 GO:0043086 0.0031337
GO:0001101 GO:0001101 GO:0001101 0.0031511
GO:0031347 GO:0031347 GO:0031347 0.0033620
GO:0097306 GO:0097306 GO:0009736 0.0034050
GO:0010150 GO:0010150 GO:1901371 0.0075994
GO:1900865 GO:1900865 GO:1900865 0.0081022
GO:1901371 GO:1901371 GO:1901371 0.0088346
GO:0009828 GO:0009828 GO:0009828 0.0088346
GO:0009736 GO:0009736 GO:0009736 0.0101506
GO:0043067 GO:0043067 GO:0043067 0.0114021
GO:0009627 GO:0009627 GO:0009627 0.0115452
GO:0009759 GO:0009759 GO:0009808 0.0144821
GO:0009969 GO:0009969 GO:0052324 0.0184531
GO:0043487 GO:0043487 GO:0043487 0.0200102
GO:0007275 GO:0007275 GO:0007275 0.0202390
GO:0045876 GO:0045876 GO:0033045 0.0260328
GO:0033045 GO:0033045 GO:0033045 0.0262205
GO:0052324 GO:0052324 GO:0052324 0.0275476
GO:0046622 GO:0046622 GO:0046622 0.0282024
GO:0046482 GO:0046482 GO:0046482 0.0296662
GO:0031930 GO:0031930 GO:0031930 0.0308235
GO:0016132 GO:0016132 GO:0016132 0.0367278
GO:0006260 GO:0006260 GO:0006260 0.0395665
GO:0071219 GO:0071219 GO:0071219 0.0446382
GO:0009808 GO:0009808 GO:0009808 0.0472156
[1] “GO_results_genes_lost_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0033259 0.0000000
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0000000
GO:0090501 GO:0090501 GO:0009451 0.0000000
GO:0006508 GO:0006508 GO:0051603 0.0000000
GO:0090305 GO:0090305 GO:0009451 0.0000000
GO:0009451 GO:0009451 GO:0009451 0.0000000
GO:0044550 GO:0044550 GO:0019761 0.0000000
GO:0010726 GO:0010726 GO:0010310 0.0000000
GO:0080181 GO:0080181 GO:0048462 0.0000000
GO:0032350 GO:0032350 GO:0016131 0.0000000
GO:0051258 GO:0051258 GO:0051258 0.0000000
GO:0071395 GO:0071395 GO:0032260 0.0000000
GO:0016101 GO:0016101 GO:0016101 0.0000000
GO:0010942 GO:0010942 GO:0007165 0.0000000
GO:0032260 GO:0032260 GO:0032260 0.0000004
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0051603 0.0000009
GO:0010310 GO:0010310 GO:0010310 0.0000023
GO:0015695 GO:0015695 GO:0080143 0.0000024
GO:0048462 GO:0048462 GO:0048462 0.0000116
GO:0019761 GO:0019761 GO:0019761 0.0000155
GO:0010337 GO:0010337 GO:0006012 0.0000353
GO:0072488 GO:0072488 GO:0015990 0.0000738
GO:0045962 GO:0045962 GO:0045962 0.0000878
GO:0040007 GO:0040007 GO:0040007 0.0003003
GO:0071289 GO:0071289 GO:0071289 0.0006642
GO:0033259 GO:0033259 GO:0033259 0.0006642
GO:0015709 GO:0015709 GO:0080143 0.0006642
GO:0006182 GO:0006182 GO:0006182 0.0016700
GO:0006032 GO:0006032 GO:0006182 0.0016700
GO:0007165 GO:0007165 GO:0007165 0.0035134
GO:0009629 GO:0009629 GO:0009629 0.0038249
GO:0009694 GO:0009694 GO:0006012 0.0041589
GO:0043086 GO:0043086 GO:0043086 0.0049328
GO:0080021 GO:0080021 GO:0080021 0.0050174
GO:0072756 GO:0072756 GO:0080021 0.0050174
GO:0002229 GO:0002229 GO:0043153 0.0064989
GO:0006012 GO:0006012 GO:0006012 0.0087527
GO:0016131 GO:0016131 GO:0016131 0.0110975
GO:0051707 GO:0051707 GO:0043153 0.0275762
GO:0042773 GO:0042773 GO:0042773 0.0376658
GO:0043153 GO:0043153 GO:0043153 0.0378597
GO:0015990 GO:0015990 GO:0015990 0.0378597
GO:0080143 GO:0080143 GO:0080143 0.0378597
[1] “GO_results_genes_lost_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0009451 GO:0009451 GO:0080156 0.0000000
GO:0090305 GO:0090305 GO:0090501 0.0000000
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0006446 0.0000000
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0000000
GO:0090501 GO:0090501 GO:0090501 0.0000000
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0006508 0.0000000
GO:0032260 GO:0032260 GO:0032260 0.0000000
GO:0048462 GO:0048462 GO:0048658 0.0000007
GO:0006508 GO:0006508 GO:0006508 0.0000045
GO:0006885 GO:0006885 GO:0006885 0.0000433
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0080156 0.0000444
GO:0009694 GO:0009694 GO:0019761 0.0001395
GO:0043086 GO:0043086 GO:0043086 0.0001958
GO:0051555 GO:0051555 GO:0016131 0.0003544
GO:0030244 GO:0030244 GO:0006446 0.0003553
GO:0019761 GO:0019761 GO:0019761 0.0004060
GO:0010064 GO:0010064 GO:0048658 0.0005573
GO:0018008 GO:0018008 GO:0006446 0.0005573
GO:0016131 GO:0016131 GO:0016131 0.0006190
GO:1902184 GO:1902184 GO:0010374 0.0006828
GO:0006812 GO:0006812 GO:0080143 0.0008338
GO:0042273 GO:0042273 GO:0046785 0.0043337
GO:0010500 GO:0010500 GO:0048658 0.0047434
GO:0071289 GO:0071289 GO:0071289 0.0049848
GO:0010208 GO:0010208 GO:0046785 0.0051406
GO:0042773 GO:0042773 GO:0042773 0.0068099
GO:0043153 GO:0043153 GO:0043153 0.0068615
GO:0080143 GO:0080143 GO:0080143 0.0068615
GO:0015990 GO:0015990 GO:0080143 0.0068615
GO:0046785 GO:0046785 GO:0046785 0.0119508
GO:0048658 GO:0048658 GO:0048658 0.0137560
GO:0006446 GO:0006446 GO:0006446 0.0164723
GO:0042407 GO:0042407 GO:0042407 0.0231564
GO:1900140 GO:1900140 GO:0010374 0.0421832
GO:0010374 GO:0010374 GO:0010374 0.0444705
[1] “GO_results_genes_lost_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
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GO:1902418 GO:1902418 GO:1901684 0.0000000
GO:0098660 GO:0098660 GO:1901684 0.0000000
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GO:1901684 GO:1901684 GO:1901684 0.0000000
GO:0040007 GO:0040007 GO:0040007 0.0000001
GO:0006552 GO:0006552 GO:1900000 0.0000006
GO:0071669 GO:0071669 GO:0071669 0.0000016
GO:0007059 GO:0007059 GO:0000913 0.0000054
GO:0043617 GO:0043617 GO:1901255 0.0000208
GO:0007018 GO:0007018 GO:0007018 0.0000234
GO:0009313 GO:0009313 GO:0006075 0.0000300
GO:2000114 GO:2000114 GO:2000114 0.0000497
GO:0031022 GO:0031022 GO:0030837 0.0000639
GO:0043007 GO:0043007 GO:0051289 0.0002102
GO:1901255 GO:1901255 GO:1901255 0.0005282
GO:0032508 GO:0032508 GO:0051289 0.0007389
GO:0034260 GO:0034260 GO:0035194 0.0009040
GO:0071902 GO:0071902 GO:0001932 0.0011956
GO:0010104 GO:0010104 GO:0097193 0.0013216
GO:0030837 GO:0030837 GO:0030837 0.0016789
GO:0097502 GO:0097502 GO:0097502 0.0018441
GO:0060213 GO:0060213 GO:0035194 0.0022610
GO:0097193 GO:0097193 GO:0097193 0.0025049
GO:0000913 GO:0000913 GO:0000913 0.0031930
GO:0016573 GO:0016573 GO:0001932 0.0049451
GO:0009556 GO:0009556 GO:0010208 0.0083080
GO:0001932 GO:0001932 GO:0001932 0.0087746
GO:0006075 GO:0006075 GO:0006075 0.0135510
GO:0071329 GO:0071329 GO:0071329 0.0148888
GO:0051289 GO:0051289 GO:0051289 0.0175591
GO:0009624 GO:0009624 GO:0009624 0.0178085
GO:1900000 GO:1900000 GO:1900000 0.0273174
GO:0010992 GO:0010992 GO:0010992 0.0292855
GO:0010208 GO:0010208 GO:0010208 0.0422526
GO:0035194 GO:0035194 GO:0035194 0.0486785
[1] “GO_results_genes_lost_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0006624 0.0000000
GO:0071482 GO:0071482 GO:0070914 0.0000870
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0080156 0.0001054
GO:0046785 GO:0046785 GO:1990019 0.0001205
GO:0006624 GO:0006624 GO:0006624 0.0006388
GO:0006597 GO:0006597 GO:0006597 0.0006766
GO:1990019 GO:1990019 GO:1990019 0.0027448
GO:0030174 GO:0030174 GO:0030174 0.0034408
GO:0042372 GO:0042372 GO:0009110 0.0034408
GO:0009110 GO:0009110 GO:0009110 0.0083491
GO:0046900 GO:0046900 GO:0046900 0.0171285
GO:0070914 GO:0070914 GO:0070914 0.0171576
GO:0010157 GO:0010157 GO:0010157 0.0359184
[1] “GO_results_genes_only_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0005983 GO:0005983 GO:0030174 0.0087939
GO:0034721 GO:0034721 GO:0034721 0.0130501
GO:0046686 GO:0046686 GO:0046686 0.0175974
GO:0071333 GO:0071333 GO:0071333 0.0261374
GO:0030174 GO:0030174 GO:0030174 0.0492303
[1] “GO_results_genes_only_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0051603 GO:0051603 GO:0031146 0.0000000
GO:0046785 GO:0046785 GO:1990019 0.0000000
GO:0006624 GO:0006624 GO:0031146 0.0000000
GO:1990019 GO:1990019 GO:1990019 0.0000000
GO:0080156 GO:0080156 GO:0080156 0.0000000
GO:0010157 GO:0010157 GO:0010157 0.0000031
GO:0048281 GO:0048281 GO:0010090 0.0000258
GO:0032989 GO:0032989 GO:0010090 0.0000310
GO:0090156 GO:0090156 GO:0090156 0.0000320
GO:0010090 GO:0010090 GO:0010090 0.0000799
GO:1901332 GO:1901332 GO:0090709 0.0014215
GO:0006278 GO:0006278 GO:0006278 0.0017328
GO:0032197 GO:0032197 GO:0032197 0.0019547
GO:0010286 GO:0010286 GO:0009408 0.0096276
GO:0090709 GO:0090709 GO:0090709 0.0138871
GO:0006537 GO:0006537 GO:0006537 0.0152019
GO:0090305 GO:0090305 GO:0090305 0.0152030
GO:0048194 GO:0048194 GO:0015770 0.0167839
GO:0009408 GO:0009408 GO:0009408 0.0283024
GO:0045332 GO:0045332 GO:0015770 0.0284194
GO:0015770 GO:0015770 GO:0015770 0.0479753
GO:0031146 GO:0031146 GO:0031146 0.0498006
[1] “GO_results_genes_only_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv”
go parent score
GO:0010222 GO:0010222 GO:0010588 0.0000090
GO:0040007 GO:0040007 GO:0040007 0.0000423
GO:2000114 GO:2000114 GO:2000114 0.0001391
GO:0010588 GO:0010588 GO:0010588 0.0003670
GO:0043007 GO:0043007 GO:0007030 0.0004800
GO:0080119 GO:0080119 GO:0007030 0.0071445
GO:0001932 GO:0001932 GO:0001932 0.0073060
GO:0007030 GO:0007030 GO:0007030 0.0158798
GO:0034260 GO:0034260 GO:0043086 0.0160997
GO:0046459 GO:0046459 GO:0046459 0.0181702
GO:0043086 GO:0043086 GO:0043086 0.0434986
[1] “GO_results_genes_union_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv”
go parent score
GO:0000398 GO:0000398 GO:0000398 0.0000558
GO:0006886 GO:0006886 GO:0006886 0.0113425
GO:0006334 GO:0006334 GO:0006334 0.0360022

Let’s have a look at all of these plots. Manually zooming in leads to ggrepel reloading labels, so on the small scale a lot of these plots don’t have labels.

for(i in names(plot_list)) {
  file_name = paste('output/',  i, '.png', sep='')
  cowplot::save_plot(file_name, plot_list[[i]], base_height=6)
Warning: ggrepel: 17 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps
Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps
Warning: ggrepel: 6 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps
Warning: ggrepel: 8 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps

Let me also try and make some patchworks.

# For some reason with this plot the legends aren't correctly collected by patchwork, 
# so I need to manually turn one off
patchy <- (plot_list[["GO_results_genes_in_Terrestrials_NOT_Aquatics_NOT_Seagrasses.csv"]] + theme(legend.position = "none")) /
  plot_list[["GO_results_genes_union_Aquatics_and_Seagrasses_NOT_Terrestrials.csv"]] + plot_layout(guides = 'collect') + plot_annotation(tag_levels = 'A')
Warning: ggrepel: 39 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps

Version Author Date
9b59467 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-23
c1288a4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20
c0db4a5 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07
save(plot_list, file = 'output/all_GO_plots.Rdata') # save so I can put them together later

cowplot::save_plot('output/GO_results_terrestrials_vs_union_aquatics_seagrasses.png', patchy, base_height=7)
Warning: ggrepel: 32 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
increasing max.overlaps

OK I’ll better make this figure for the seagrasses alone, it’s quite messy this way.

Seagrass-specific loss

Let’s check which GO terms overlap between the 4 seagrasses!

How many shared lost GO-terms are there?

a <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$term,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$term,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$term,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$term)

a_go_ids <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_P_australis_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$go,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_A_antarctica_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$go,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_Z_marina_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$go,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$GO_results_genes_lost_Z_muelleri_not_other_seagrasses.csv$reducedTerms$go)
     quantities = TRUE,
     fill = rev(wes_palette("Zissou1", 15, type = 'continuous')),
    alpha = 0.5,
     labels = list(font = 4))

Version Author Date
9ca6c94 Philipp Bayer 2022-02-25
upset(fromList(a),'freq', )

a_no_ara <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt$reducedTerms$term,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$reducedTerms$term,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$reducedTerms$term,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$reducedTerms$term)

What are the shared GO-terms in seagrasses, WITHOUT the Ara loss??

Reduce(union, a) %>% enframe() %>% writexl::write_xlsx('./output/Seagrasses_shared_lost_genes.xlsx')

What if we remove Posidonia?

b <- list(`A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$Name)
intersections <- Reduce(intersect, b)
intersections[grepl('ethylene', intersections)]

OK we need a big list of all GO-terms here - which GO-term is lost in which species. That will be a supplementary table.

all_species <- c("P. australis","A. antarctica","Z. marina","Z. muelleri", 'A. thaliana')  
all_go_terms <- Reduce(union, a)
all_go_ids <- Reduce(union, a_go_ids)
results_d <- data.frame('GOID' = character(),
                        'GO' = character(),
                        'P. australis' = character(),
                        'A. antarctica' = character(),
                        'Z. marina' = character(),
                        'Z. muelleri' = character(),
                        'A. thaliana' = character())

for (index in seq_along(all_go_terms)){
  go <- all_go_terms[index]
  go_id <- all_go_ids[index]
  specs <- c()
  for (species in names(a)) {
    if ( length(a[[species]][grep(paste('^', go, '$', sep=''), a[[species]])]) > 0 ) {
      specs <- c(specs, species)
  results_d[index,] <- c(go_id, go, gsub('FALSE', 'Present', gsub('TRUE', 'Lost', all_species %in% specs)))
writexl::write_xlsx(results_d, 'output/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.xlsx')

After filtering for plant-specific GO-terms

We will use the GO-terms that are plant-specific as identified by the GOMAP paper. See or

go_plant <- read_tsv('')
Rows: 45031 Columns: 5
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (1): GOterm
dbl (4): NCBITaxon:10090, NCBITaxon:33090, NCBITaxon:3702, NCBITaxon:40674

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# taxon 33090 is Viridiplantae
plantSpecificGO <- go_plant %>% dplyr::filter(`NCBITaxon:33090`==1) %>% pull(GOterm)
plantSpecificGO <- c(plantSpecificGO,c("GO:0005575","GO:0008150","GO:0003674"))
results_d %>% filter(GOID %in% plantSpecificGO) %>% writexl::write_xlsx('output/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.PlantSpecific.xlsx')

Now let’s redo the Venn diagram with those filtered GO-terms

filters <- lapply(a_go_ids, function(ch) ch %in% plantSpecificGO)

newa <- list()
for (species in names(filters)) {
  before <- a[[species]]
  after <- before[filters[[species]]]
  newa[[species]] <- after
     quantities = TRUE,
     fill = rev(wes_palette("Zissou1", 15, type = 'continuous')),
    alpha = 0.5,
     labels = list(font = 4))

Not much difference?

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_AU.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_AU.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

time zone: Australia/Perth
tzcode source: system (glibc)

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] patchwork_1.1.2      kableExtra_1.3.4     UpSetR_1.4.0        
 [4] eulerr_7.0.0         ggrepel_0.9.4        stringi_1.7.12      
 [7] httr_1.4.6           wesanderson_0.3.7    rrvgo_1.12.2        
[10] rvest_1.0.3          lubridate_1.9.2      forcats_1.0.0       
[13] stringr_1.5.0        dplyr_1.1.2          purrr_1.0.1         
[16] readr_2.1.4          tidyr_1.3.0          tibble_3.2.1        
[19] ggplot2_3.4.2        tidyverse_2.0.0      topGO_2.52.0        
[22] SparseM_1.81         GO.db_3.17.0         AnnotationDbi_1.62.2
[25] IRanges_2.34.0       S4Vectors_0.38.1     Biobase_2.60.0      
[28] graph_1.78.0         BiocGenerics_0.46.0  workflowr_1.7.1     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] org.At.tair.db_3.17.0   RColorBrewer_1.1-3      rstudioapi_0.14        
  [4] jsonlite_1.8.4          umap_0.2.10.0           magrittr_2.0.3         
  [7] farver_2.1.1            rmarkdown_2.21          ragg_1.2.5             
 [10] fs_1.6.2                zlibbioc_1.46.0         vctrs_0.6.2            
 [13] memoise_2.0.1           RCurl_1.98-1.12         askpass_1.1            
 [16] webshot_0.5.5           htmltools_0.5.5         curl_5.0.0             
 [19] sass_0.4.6              bslib_0.4.2             plyr_1.8.8             
 [22] cachem_1.0.8            whisker_0.4.1           igraph_1.5.1           
 [25] mime_0.12               lifecycle_1.0.3         pkgconfig_2.0.3        
 [28] Matrix_1.6-2            R6_2.5.1                fastmap_1.1.1          
 [31] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.10 shiny_1.8.0             digest_0.6.31          
 [34] colorspace_2.1-0        ps_1.7.5                rprojroot_2.0.3        
 [37] RSpectra_0.16-1         textshaping_0.3.6       RSQLite_2.3.3          
 [40] labeling_0.4.2          fansi_1.0.4             timechange_0.2.0       
 [43] polyclip_1.10-6         compiler_4.3.2          bit64_4.0.5            
 [46] withr_2.5.0             DBI_1.1.3               highr_0.10             
 [49] openssl_2.0.6           tools_4.3.2             httpuv_1.6.11          
 [52] glue_1.6.2              callr_3.7.3             GOSemSim_2.26.1        
 [55] promises_1.2.0.1        polylabelr_0.2.0        grid_4.3.2             
 [58] getPass_0.2-2           gridBase_0.4-7          generics_0.1.3         
 [61] gtable_0.3.3            tzdb_0.4.0              data.table_1.14.8      
 [64] hms_1.1.3               xml2_1.3.4              utf8_1.2.3             
 [67] XVector_0.40.0          pillar_1.9.0            vroom_1.6.3            
 [70] later_1.3.1             lattice_0.22-5          renv_1.0.2             
 [73] bit_4.0.5               tidyselect_1.2.0        tm_0.7-11              
 [76] Biostrings_2.68.1       knitr_1.42              git2r_0.32.0           
 [79] gridExtra_2.3           NLP_0.2-1               svglite_2.1.2          
 [82] xfun_0.39               matrixStats_1.1.0       pheatmap_1.0.12        
 [85] yaml_2.3.7              evaluate_0.21           wordcloud_2.6          
 [88] BiocManager_1.30.20     cli_3.6.1               xtable_1.8-4           
 [91] reticulate_1.34.0       systemfonts_1.0.4       munsell_0.5.0          
 [94] processx_3.8.1          jquerylib_0.1.4         treemap_2.4-4          
 [97] Rcpp_1.0.10             GenomeInfoDb_1.36.0     png_0.1-8              
[100] parallel_4.3.2          ellipsis_0.3.2          blob_1.2.4             
[103] bitops_1.0-7            viridisLite_0.4.2       slam_0.1-50            
[106] scales_1.2.1            writexl_1.4.2           crayon_1.5.2           
[109] rlang_1.1.1             cowplot_1.1.1           KEGGREST_1.40.1